calibrations for:
calibrations for:
  • audi ®

GIAC performance software for the audi ® A7 ® 4K 2018 - Present

3.0 Turbo


GIAC Stage 1 Plus adds horsepower, torque and more throttle response throughout the power band. This calibration is compatible with vehicles that have no other upgrades to basic "bolt-ons".
While testing this platform, we noted significant differences in performance potential between 91 and 93 octane. The GIAC stage 1 program is designed to make the most of either fuel and will perform significantly better on 93 octane.
OEM Horsepower
and Torque
335 HP  369 Ft-Lbs
GIAC Pump Mode*
389 HP (91oct)
416 HP (93oct)
  437 Ft-Lbs (91oct)
448 Ft-Lbs (93oct)

HP and Torque figures are average engine estimates derived from wheel power and acceleration testing.
* Premium Fuel is required.
Dyno Plots
audi A7 4K 2018 - Present - GIAC Stage_1_Plus dynoplot
audi A7 4K 2018 - Present - GIAC Stage_1_Plus dynoplot
audi A7 4K 2018 - Present - GIAC Stage_1_Plus dynoplot
audi A7 4K 2018 - Present - GIAC Stage_1_Plus dynoplot
Supported ECUs
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