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GIAC releases K04 programming for the B8 A4 2.0T 2010 - 2012!


A GIAC calibration is now available for the B8 A4 with K04 turbo, intercooler, and exhaust. Gains were measured at 100 wheel HP and 95 ft lbs of wheel torque over stock on pump gas. Peak engine horsepower and torque are estimated at 336 HP and 345 Ft-Lbs, with gains under the curve as high as 143 HP and 135 Ft-Lbs. This GIAC calibration includes a dramatic throttle reconfiguration for a smoother driving experience with the added power and a more drive-by-cable-like throttle feel. The intercooler and turbo used for the calibration were supplied from CTS Turbo. MSRP for pump mode is $800.00 USD.

Engine power for the 2011 B8 A4 with GIAC programming, K04 turbo, inter-cooler and exhaust: Stock vs. Stage 1 93 octane pump

Engine power gains over stock for the 2011 B8 A4 with GIAC programming,
K04 turbo, inter-cooler and exhaust: Stock vs. Stage 1 93 octane pump

Raw wheel dyno example for the 2011 B8 A4 with GIAC programming, K04 turbo, inter-cooler and exhaust:

For questions or sales information, please contact, 949-470-1080, or find your nearest GIAC retail location at the GIAC performance software dealers page.