

GIAC switchable perfromance software for the Audi B8.5 S4 3.0T ® is now available through selected GIAC dealers as an OBD2 port flash


GIAC is proud to announce that our Simos 8.5x 3.0T FSI performance software for the B8.5 S4 is now OBD2 port flashable by local GIAC dealers. Software is installed without the need for an internet connection or ECU removal ensuring maximum convenience and reliability. GIAC is the first and only software tuner offering local OBD2 flashing with on the fly switchable software modes for this platform. GIAC’s Flashloader program switching system is the quickest, most seamless switching option available for the 3.0T. The system allows users to swap programs on the fly with a simple press of a button, without the need for an ignition cycle.

As with our initial platform release, switching options for Stage 1 Simos 8.5x models are:

  • 100 or 104 octane race: Higher output mode optimized for higher octane fuel. Maximize the potential of your 3.0T powerplant.
  • Stock Power: Allows the end user to turn off the power for anyone they don’t want to use it. Reduce power down to OEM levels through the use of OEM calibration maps. Note: GIAC’s additional switching code is still installed, this does not revert the ECU back to 100% stock.
  • Valet: Zero boost, lazy throttle response and governed throttle position are a few of the things a curious valet will experience with this mode engaged.

Stage 2 switching options:
  • 100 or 104 octane race: Higher output mode optimized for higher octane fuel. Maximize the potential of your 3.0T powerplant.
  • Valet: Zero boost, lazy throttle response and governed throttle position are a few of the things a curious valet will experience with this mode engaged.

GIAC DSG software compatibility: GIAC’s Simos 8.5x calibrations for the B8.5 S4 are specifically calibrated for GIAC’s upcoming DSG performance software. This software will allow DSG models to launch harder and rev higher, while shifting smoother and faster.

With local dealer OBD2 flashing ability, DSG performance calibrations, industry leading power gains, and switchable modes, GIAC performance software for the Simos 8.5x is the complete package.