
GIAC ECU Service

ECU Service Request Form

NOTE: Please specify at the comments section of the form below, if you have any special instructions that need to be noted about the ECU service. Each ECU sent in to GIAC needs its own form.

Customer Information

Vehicle Information


, representing
, am purchasing product(s) from Garrett Integrated Automotive Corp. (GIAC) with the intention of using the product(s) in a vehicle designated for racing/closed course competition use.

I acknowledge that I understand that some GIAC products are intended for racing/closed course competition use only and to be used in "racing vehicles ", competition vehicles not used on public highways, as defined by Section 2260 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR). I certify that I have read this section of the CCR and understand its meaning. GIAC has made me aware that I am purchasing GIAC product(s) which are specifically intended for "racing vehicles ". See GIAC's sales and use policy at

I absolve GIAC for any and all burden of responsibility in ensuring my car satisfies regulations set forth by Federal, State, and local governing agencies. This Vehicle Compliance Waiver shall be in force for all past, current, and future purchases from GIAC.
